17 July 2015

Tips For Traveling

Holiday season has finally arrived and as I'm traveling more and more on my own I thought I'd share some of my best tips for traveling with you. In the last few months I realized how stressed I can get. Not about traveling itself but the preparations. That's why I tried to come up with a routine which makes it easier for me to remain calm and actually enjoy the excitement!

1. Write a To-Do-List..

with all the things you have to do before leaving. When you have an actual list it's much easier to keep it in mind without getting too stressed about it. You have always the possibility to add new things, have a look on it and to tick them off when they're done!

2. Prepare as much as you can beforehand

Especially packing! Don't do it last minute because you're more likely to forget something. Plus: write down what you are taking with you. It's so helpful when you pack your luggage when returning. Check-In one day before your actual flight and print the tickets if necessary. You can get really cute travel organizers and passport holders (click) on the internet and they keep you organized as well (win-win!!). Check also how much luggage you are actually allowed to take with you and get some travel-sized toiletries. It makes everything so much easier!

3. Create a holiday playlist

Listening to the songs I love most makes me calmer. Before going on holidays I usually sit down and create a playlist on Spotify which is so much fun. It's so nice to just close your eyes during the trip and listen to the music.
Whenever I listen to the songs again after the holidays I identify them with scenarios or adventures I experienced during that time and I immediately become happier. Definitely try it out!

4. Take a (disposable) camera with you

Photos are still the best way to catch your favorite moments. If you don't want to take your expensive camera with you, you can get a disposable camera in your local drugstore (click). Or what about a polaroid camera (click)? They fit in every bag and some of them are also usable under water! I love printing my holiday photos out and decorating my walls with them or putting them in a box with other memories.

5. Think positive!

Even when you screwed up your time management and you're getting crazy about all the things that are still left to do: try to stay positive. When you drown yourself in negativity it will get even worse because you can't concentrate on your priorities. Again: make a list starting with the most important things and try to work your way through. It's hard - I know, because I've been there before! - but just imagine how great your holidays will be when you get there! All the fun and adventures you will have with your family and/or friends. This is the best motivation only you can give yourself!

Are you going on holidays this year? I'd love to hear all about your plans for the summer and always remember:
Take care x


  1. Tolle Tipps! Ich packe auch immer rechtzeitig, laufe aber dann ganz hektisch durch die Wohnung, weil ich das Gefühl habe, dass ich 1000 Dinge vergessen habe :o

  2. Tipps sind immer gut - ich mache mir selbst immer kleine Checklisten :)

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Positiv denken ist immer wichtig. Man darf sich nur nicht aus der Ruhe bringen lassen und sollte (wenn möglich) die Sachen früh einplanen.

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Tolle Tipps und ein echt schönes Bild zu diesem Post :-)

  5. Ja, die Reise ist dann meistens Entschädigung für den Stress den man sich vorher gemacht hat, zumindest bis zu dem Moment an dem man feststellt, dass man wirklich was vergessen hat. Ich packe immer ungefähr 3 Tage bevor es überhaupt losgeht :D

  6. Sehr hübsches Bild, passt perfekt zum Post.
    Wirklich tolle Tipps.
    Liebst Michelle von beautifulfairy

  7. Hey Lynn,

    ich habe gerade mich etwas auf deinem Blog umgeschaut und rumgestöbert. Sehr sehr schöne Bilder hast du hier auf deinem Blog! ♥
    Oh jaa, ich packe auch schon immer einige Tage vorher mein Gepäck und es kommt dann immer noch mehr dazu – am Ende habe ich immer das Gefühl, ich habe meinen halben Kleiderschrank dabei. So nach dem Motto: Man weiß ja nie, wie das Wetter, haha :D

    Liebste Grüße,

    1. Aw, Rosy, vielen lieben Dank für das schöne Kompliment! x


Maira Gall