09 August 2015

Life Right Now #1

geburtstag dekoration

dekoration geburtstag

dessert brownie

It is funny how your life can change within a second. In one moment you are watching TV, cleaning and not thinking about your future and in the next moment new possibilities are opening up. 

Last week was super busy and stressful and I'm so so sorry I didn't post anything. I just wasn't myself and had to figure out so much stuff regarding my future. It is pretty terrifying to commit, at least it is for me. So at first I want you to know the background story:
I started studying Business Administration in Germany last year but I quickly figured out that it was a really bad idea. I just wasn't interested in my courses and studying for the exams was literally a pain! I knew that I couldn't continue doing something I just didn't enjoy at all. That's why I went back to London. Back home. I just wanted to well... run away, I guess. Before leaving I applied for a different course in Germany, not sure if I would receive a positive answer. 
So, London it was. You can probably tell that I am absolutely happy here, it's just the place to be for me. At this point I didn't really care anymore about going back to Germany. Everything seems to be better here but staying here was "just" Plan B. A rejection of uni would mean a lot of paperwork, moving to a different country and just living a complete different life. I think you can imagine how I felt being caught in the middle. 
August came and I knew the response was on its way. It was weird because in this moment I wasn't thinking at all about the mess. I just wanted to check my phone before going back to work and there it was. A simple email. After a few seconds of hesitation I opened it and yea.. I got accepted.
So many feelings and thoughts were rushing through my mind and I felt a bit of relief. I texted all of friends and my parents of course. After a lot of hugs and congratulation messages I started to feel sad. 
Being accepted meant leaving London and all my best friends really soon. But I think that there's also a reason behind it which I don't know yet. I will be fine though. That's all I need to know.
At the end of August I will fly back to Germany, back to my daily routine. Although I am really sad I am leaving, I catch myself sometimes having a thrill of anticipation. 

I hope you are alright. Take care, peeps! x


  1. I can imagine you are torn. And that somehow it might feel weird leaving even if that was your first plan. But nothing is as welcoming as home and the people that love you. Keep that in mind. You will find your way :)
    And congrats! I hope you will enjoy it!



    1. Thank you so much for your words! Take care x

  2. Die Bilder sind wirklich super geworden. Ich schaue unglaublich gerne bei dir vorbei :)

    Liebe Grüße :)

  3. Glückwunsch zur Aufnahme, liebe Lynn :)

    Ich denke, dass kennt jeder von uns – jede Medaille hat 2 Seiten. Aber dennoch: Dafür ist die Vorfreude auf das nächste Wiedersehen umso größer und das ist ein wirklich schönes Gefühl!
    Übrigens: Mal wieder sehr hübsche Bildchen ;)

    Hab noch einen entspannten Sonntag, Liebes ♥

    1. Vielen dank, Rosy! Du triffst mit deinen Worten wieder einmal den Nagel auf den Kopf.
      Pass auf dich auf! x

  4. Das klingt nach einem lachendemnund einem weinenden Auge. Glückwunsch das du angenommen wurdest, das ist bestimmt eine tolle neue Chance, auch wenn du dafür erstmal wieder Abschied nehmen musst.
    Liebe Grüße, Mona von Belle Mélange

  5. ich wünsche dir ganz viel spaß und glück in der uni und im neuen studiengang. vielleicht hatte ich einfach nur glück, dass mein erster studiengang auch der ist, denn ich zuende bringen möchte. wo studierst du denn jetzt?


  6. Das ist ja schön. Wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß und viel Glück.
    Liebst, Michelle von beautifulfairy

  7. Wunderschöne Bilder!
    Besonders das letzte gefällt mir sagenhaft gut!

    Liebe Grüße,

  8. toll, dass du angenommen wurdest und wunderschöne Fotos, Liebes!

    Alles Liebe, Mella Sophie

  9. Ganz entzückende Geburtstagsdekoration. So würde ich auch gerne überrascht werden. ;-)
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Uiii was für schöne Bilder.
    Das Essen sieht sehr lecker aus.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Such a nice place, perfect to eat :) Bisous from France, Sand.


  12. The best of luck to you in Germany! Everything happens for a reason and there is a plan neatly crafted for each one of us. I'm sure everything will turn out better that you would ever expect! ;)
    xox N.


Maira Gall